Cool feature of HTML5

Not dealing much with HTML lately, I’ve only noticed this new feature now. The thing is that HTML5 let you change the page’s URL path without refreshing the page content. Like in this example from google – when you flip the book’s pages the url changes for easy bookmarking and SEO, but the content doesn’t flicker. If that not seems like much to you, than you don’t know what you’re talking about.

All that is needed to achieve the magic is this line of code:

window.history.pushState(“”, “title”, “somePath/”);

Try it:

Click to change the page url:

Amazing! There is no need for the ugly hash (#) anymore in order to achieve AJAX/Flash deep linking… oh wait… it doesn’t work in IE9 and FireFox 3.x Sad smile (yet)

Thinking “I know all that browsers can do” this one got me wondering. I’m coming to realize that even though I still believe I generally know most of its capabilities, with HTML 5 there probably lots of things that browsers can do which I’m not yet familiar with. I swear I will skim through the spec when I’ll have the time, there must be many interesting security flaws in there… or is it?!.

More info here & here

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